Course guide of Didactics of Fiction in a Foreign Language: English (25611D6)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date: 26/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Primary School Education (Bilingual Programme)


Social and Legal Sciences


Lengua Extranjera. Inglés


Didáctica de la Ficcionalidad en Lengua Extranjera. Inglés

Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Elective course

Teaching staff


  • Stefano Barozzi . Grupo: B
  • María Cristina Pérez Valverde. Grupo: A


  • Stefano Barozzi Grupos: 3 y 4
  • María Cristina Pérez Valverde Grupos: 1 y 2

Timetable for tutorials

Stefano Barozzi

  • First semester
    • Monday de 16:00 a 18:00 (Despacho 235)
    • Wednesday de 18:00 a 20:00 (Despacho 235)
    • Thursday de 16:00 a 18:00 (Despacho 235)
  • Second semester
    • Tuesday de 15:00 a 18:00 (Despacho 235)
    • Wednesday de 15:00 a 18:00 (Despacho 235)

María Cristina Pérez Valverde

  • Monday de 12:00 a 15:00 (Despacho 528)
  • Thursday de 11:30 a 14:30 (Despacho 528)

Prerequisites of recommendations

B1 level in English

Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

  • Fictional discourses in the FL classroom.
  • Discourse-based approaches.
  • Criteria for the selection of material in accordance with the linguistic and psychological development of students.
  • Storytelling: role of the teacher; role of the student.
  • The reading process. The reading-writing connection. Reading materials.
  • Popular literature. From the fairy tale to the fantasy genre.
  • Creative writing workshops.
  • Drama workshop.
  • Multimodality and transmedia narratives

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

General objectives of the degree (Primary Education):

  • Acquiring a sound teacher training. Aspects such as self-knowledge, personal esteem, ability to establish productive group dynamics, a supportive and democratic attitude, etc., common to all degrees, are particularly relevant in the degrees of Infant Education and Primary Education.
  • Acquiring the necessary training to carry out their teaching in Infant or Primary Education in the knowledge society, and to successfully perform the different tasks involved in the profession.
  • Promoting respect for fundamental rights and equal opportunities for men and women, the principles of equal rights and universal accessibility for disabled persons, and the values inherent in a culture of peace and democracy.

Specific objectives related to the specific competences of the elective subject:

  • Working with literary texts and other fictional material in the foreign language classroom with a positive attitude (CDM47, CDM44, CDM7.2)
  • Getting to know the current trends in reception theory in relation to aesthetic, cultural and artistic phenomena. (CDM50).
  • Becoming familiar with the texts and fictional material for children and young people from the target communities (CDM51, CDM45).
  • Developing the necessary teaching skills to work with fictional material in different levels in an interdisciplinary manner (CDM51).
  • Speaking and writing correctly in a second language (C.G.5, CDM7.6).
  • Becoming familiar with the Primary literacy curriculum (CDM42).
  • Getting to know the existing theories regarding the use of fictional material in the foreign language classroom (CDM42)

Detailed syllabus


  • Topic 1. Fictional discourses in the FL Primary classroom. Discourse-based approaches and FL teaching. Criteria for the selection of materials according to the linguistic and psychological development of students.
  • Topic 2. Children’s literature and young adult literature: origin and categories; perspectives and approaches. Popular literature. From the fairy tale to the fantasy genre. Contemporary children’s literature.
  • Topic 3. Multimodal texts. Multiliteracies. The picturebook genre. Verbal and visual narratives.
  • Topic 4. Storytelling. Oral stories. The role of the teacher. Resources and tasks.
  • Topic 5. Drama and theatre. Holistic learning: cognitive, affective, and social dimensions.
  • Topic 6. Poetry. Introduction to poetic language. Popular genres, rhymes and songs. Contemporary poetry for children. Poetry and language appreciation in the early stages.
  • Topic 7. Creative writing. The writing process in the FL classroom. Creative writing workshops.
  • Topic 8. Literary reading. The teacher as reader. Literary reading in the Primary classroom. Types of reading.


  • Analysis of texts, materials and resources.
  • Design of tasks based on a holistic, discourse-based approach, through storytelling and drama sessions.
  • Theatre and drama workshop.
  • Creative writing workshop.
  • Reading workshop


Basic reading list

  • Abrams, M.H., A Glossary of Literary Terms,
  • Alter, G., & Ratheiser, U. (2019), A new model of literary competences and the revised CEFR descriptors, ELT Journal, 73 (4), 377-386.
  • Anstey, Michele (2002), “’It’s not all black and white’: Postmodern picture books and new literacies”, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 45, 6, 444-458.
  • Aryzpe, Evelyn & Morag Styles (2016), Children Reading Pictures: Interpreting Visual Texts, Routledge.
  • Bland, Janice & C. Lütge, eds. (2013), Children’s Literature in Second Language Education, Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Bland, Janice, ed. (2018), Using Literature in English Language Education. Challenging Reading for 8-18 Year Olds, Bloomsbury.
  • Evans, Janet (2009), Talking beyond the page: Reading and responding to picturebooks, Routledge.
  • Garcés Rodríguez, Antonio y Pérez Valverde, Cristina (2017), Repensando la competencia poética en la enseñanza del inglés en edad temprana: una práctica de lingüística poética, Revista Complutense de Educación, 28 (1), 165-183.
  • Horner, Chris & Vicki Ryf (2007), Creative teaching: English in the Early Years and Primary Classroom, Routledge. Part I: Creativity and fiction: An Overview.
  • Hunt, Peter, ed. (1999), Understanding Children’s Literature, Routledge.
  • Jáimez, Sacramento & Cristina Pérez Valverde (2005), Literature in the ELT classroom, in TEFL in Secondary Education, eds. N: McLaren, D. Madrid & A. Bueno, Universidad de Granada, 579-604.
  • Kress, Gunther R. (2003), Literacy in the New Media Age, Routledge. Kress, Gunther R. (2010), Multimodality: A Social Semiotic Approach to Contemporary Communication, Routledge.
  • Kress, Gunther and Teo Van Leeuwen (2001), Multimodal Discourse: The Modes and Media of Contemporary Communication, Oxford University Press.
  • López Valero, A., Encabo Fernández, E., Jerez Martínez, I., y Hernández Delgado, L. (2021), Literatura infantil y lectura dialógica. La formación de educadores desde la investigación, Barcelona: Octaedro.
  • Manresa, Mireia y Real, Neus, eds. (2015), Digital Literature for Children. Texts, Readers, and Educational Practice, Peter Lang.
  • Mata, Juan (2014), Ética, literatura infantil y formación literaria, Impossibilia. Revista Internacional de Estudios Literarios, 8, 104-121.
  • Munita, F. (2014), Reading habits of pre-service teachers, Cultura y Educación, 26(3), 448-475.
  • Nikolajeva, Maria, & Scott, Carole (2001). How picturebooks work, Garland. Nikolajeva, Maria (2014), Reading for Learning: Cognitive Approaches to Children’s Literature, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Nikolajeva, Maria (2017), Emotions and ethics: implications for children's literature, Affect, Emotion, and Children's Literature, 81-95.
  • Norton, Donna & Saundra Norton (2011), Through the Eyes of a Child: An Introduction to Children’s Literature, Pearson.
  • Nussbaum, Martha C. (1990), Love’s Knowledge, Essays on Philosophy and Literature, Oxford University Press.
  • Paran, Amos & Robinson, Pauline (2016), Literature – Into the Classroom, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina (2001), Didáctica de la Literatura en Lengua Inglesa, GEU.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina (2021), Narrativa multimodal y ficcionalidad: consideraciones éticas y estéticas en torno al álbum ilustrado, Perspectiva histórica y futuro de la Educación en Didáctica de las Lenguas y sus Literaturas, coords. del Moral-Barrigüete, Cristina y Molina-García, María José, Comares, 133-143.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina & Jesús Muros (2004), “Discourse competence in the EFL classroom”, TEFL in Primary Education, eds. Daniel Madrid y Neil McLaren, Universidad de Granada, 385-408.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina & Raúl Ruiz-Cecilia (2012), “Paving the Way Towards the ECTS System: Self-Assessment, Metacognition, and Professional Competence in a Literature Course for FL Teachers”, Porta Linguarum, 67-77.
  • Phillips, Sarah (2003), Drama with Children, Oxford University Press.
  • Reyes Torres, Agustín (2020), Multimodal approach to foster the multiliteracies pedagogy in the teaching of EFL through picturebooks: The Snow Lion, Atlantis, 42 (1), 94-119.
  • Sipe, Lawrence R. and Sylvia Pantaleo, eds. (2008), Postmodern Picturebooks. Play, Parody and Self-Referentiality, Routledge.
  • Spiro, Jane (2004), Creative Poetry Writing, Oxford University Press.
  • Spiro, Jane (2007), Storybuilding, Oxford University Press.
  • Waugh, David, Sally Neaum and Rosemary Waugh (2016), Children’s Literature in Primary Schools, Sage.
  • Zetterberg Gjerlevsen, Simona & Nielsen, Henrik Skov (2020), Distinguishing Fictionality, Exploring Fictionality: Conceptions, Tests Cases, Discussions, eds. Maagaard, Cindie Aaen, Schabler, Daniel & Wolff Lundholt, Marianne, University Press of Southern Denmark, 19-40.

Complementary reading

  • Arizpe, Evelyn, Colomer, Teresa, Carmen Martínez-Roldán, et al. (2014), Visual Journeys through Wordless Narratives: An International Inquiry with Immigrant Children and ‘The Arrival’: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Bruner, Jerome (1990), Acts of Meaning, Harvard University Press, 1990.
  • Cohns, Dorrit (2000), The Distinction of Fiction, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Carter, Ronald & Michael N. Long (1993), Teaching Literature, Longman.
  • Colomer, Teresa, Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer and Cecilia Silva-Díaz (2010), New Directions in Picturebook Research, eds., Routledge.
  • Cookson, Paul (2000), The Works: Poems. Every kind of poem you will ever need for the Literacy Hour. Macmillan Children’s Books.
  • Ellis, G & Brewster, J (2002), Tell it again! The New Storytelling Handbook for Primary Teachers, Pearson Education Limited.
  • Ghosn, Irma-Kaarina (2013), Story-bridge to Second Language Literacy, Charlotte, Information Age Publishing.
  • Maley, A. & A. Duff (2005), Drama Techniques: A Resource Book of communication activities for language teachers. Cambridge University Press.
  • McGillis, Roderick., ed. (2000). Voices of the Other. Children’s literature and the postcolonial context, Garland Publishing.
  • Morley, David (2007), The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing, Cambridge University Press.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina (2001), “Writing for Children: Fantasy as Spiritual Allegory in C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald”, in Behind the Veil of Familiarity: C.S. Lewis (1888-1998), eds. M. Carretero & E. Hidalgo, Peter Lang, 273-284.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina (2002), “Theatre in Education (TIE) in the context of educational drama”, Lenguaje y Textos, 20, 7-19.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina (2008), “Discurso fantástico e inconsciente en la literatura infantil”, ed. Remedios Sánchez, Lecciones azules: Lengua, Literatura y Didáctica, Visor, 531-544.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina (2009), “Magic women on the margins: from Mary Poppins to Ms Wiz”, Children’s Literature in Education, Vol. 40, 4, 263-274.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina (2016), Towards and Ethics of Respons-ability: Exploring Dispossession and Renewal through Helen Ward and Marc Craste’s Multimodal Narratives, The International Journal of Diverse Identities, 16, 4, 25-35.
  • Pérez Valverde, Cristina & Mauricio Aguilera (1999), Cuentos de la Edad de Oro. Cuentos Fantásticos de la Época Victoriana, Valdemar.
  • Phillips, Sarah (1993), Young Learners, Oxford University Press. Rosenblatt, Louise (2005), Making Meaning with Texts: Selected Essays. Heinemann.
  • Wright, Andrew (1995), Storytelling with children, Oxford University. Wright, Andrew and David S. Hill (2009), Writing Stories, Helbling.

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

  • Written exam for theoretical contents: 50% (it is necessary to obtain a mark equal or above 5 in order to consider the qualification obtained in the practices)
  • Evaluable practices: 50%
  • Attendance to class is mandatory. In order to benefit from continuous assessment, students cannot exceed a 20% of course absence.

Extraordinary assessment session

It consists of a second annual call for the subject. The evaluation criteria are the same as those set out in the single evaluation. The instruments and percentages are:

  • Theoretical-practical written tests (100% of final mark).

Single final assessment

  • Theoretical-practical written exam about the programme contents (80%)
  • Oral exam to demonstrate instrumental use of the language at B2 level and knowledge of subject contents (20%)
  • In order to take the oral exam, students should have passed the written exam.
  • In order to opt for this evaluation model, students must meet the necessary requirements, apply for it in time and term and obtain a favourable resolution (NCG71 / 2: Regulations for the evaluation and qualifications of students of the University of Granada).

Additional information

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