Conferencia: Providing evidence in education with systematic reviews

Mar, 08/11/2022 - 11:46
Salón de actos vacío de la Escula Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos visto desde el atril

Nombre: Prof. Marta Pellegrini

Filiación: University of Cagliari, Italy

Titulo conferencia: Providing evidence in education with systematic reviews

Resumen: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are research methods to synthesize the literature results on a specific topic and to produce evidence useful to inform educational practice. This short seminar will introduce what a systematic review is and the main steps to conduct it (search, protocol, data extraction, effect size estimation). Tools supporting each step will be suggested, such as which tools are better to use for searching and selecting studies, and extracting data. Examples of well-conducted quali-quantitative systematic reviews as well as meta-analyses will be provided.

  • Fecha: 16 Noviembre 2022
  • Lugar: Aula Andrés Manjón
  • Hora: 11:30 h - 12:30 h.